Sunday Worship at 10:30am
LifeGroups at 9:15am
One Church Jax Beach
Whether you visit in-person or online our prayer is that you feel welcome. We are thankful for our partnership with our community, schools, and military by meeting needs and reaching our local community. We hope you will visit us in person.

Canine Jamboree
Join us Saturday, February 22 for our Canine Jamboree, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, here at One Church Jacksonville Beach, located at 324 N. 5th Street.
This is a free event for dogs and humans in a festival atmosphere. We will showcase pet products, services, information, and adoptions.
Free people food will be provided.
For more information contact us at 904-249-2314 or online at
Ministries For Your Family
Life Groups
9:15am on Sunday mornings, our church gathers for Life Groups before our Sunday Morning Service.
Kids’ Church
We provide hands-on learning for our K – 5th graders as they discover what it means to have a personal relationship with God!
During the school year we offer AWANA for preschool through 5th grade and Adult Studies on Thursdays at 6:15pm.
Join us on Thursdays at 6:15 p.m. as we build relationships with each other and with the Lord. We have a great team of leaders.
Prayer & Bible Study
Join us at 10:00am on Monday’s for a time of Prayer & Bible Study for adults.