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Give Generously

We give as an act of worship because JESUS first gave to us.

Giving faithfully as a generous and sacrificial giver allows One Church to further our mission and ministry here in Jacksonville Beach impacting the kingdom of God locally and around the world!


Through Our Online Giving:

We encourage our members and friends of One Church to give through our online giving. You may designate your giving through your bank account or give online by debit or credit card. The option to give one-time or recurring gifts is available. Thank you for your Generosity!

Give In Person:

During our Worship service, we return our giving to God through our Tithes and Offerings.  You may place your offering in a giving envelope and drop it into a designated offering receptacle.

Through Mail:

Mail your gift to: 
One Church Jacksonville Beach 
ATTN: Stewardship 
324 5th St N.  Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250